Monday, March 24, 2008


Many folks have been reporting First of the Season sightings on our local birding e-list, so I'll post our own little list here:

American woodcocks - we've heard their "peenting", and now we've also watched their mating rituals
Eastern phoebes - tail-pumping maniacs are back

Hmm, short list so far. The Eastern bluebirds stay here all winter, as have the rufous sided towhees. Dh swore he heard a catbird though.

Other interesting birds of note would be the great horned owl I heard the previous night, as well as the Cooper's hawk (possibly 2) we saw today.

Since I don't have a good bird photo on hand, I thought I'd share a pic of our pet birds (with our dog when she was just 8 weeks old):

"To accomplish great things, we must dream as well as act." ~ Anatole France (1844 - 1924)