Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Another good read

There is a very good, and short, article on these folks in Pasadena who annually grow three tons of food in their suburban lot of one-fifth of an acre ! This is enough food to supply three-quarters of their 4-person family's diet, as well as to maintain a organic produce business.

Amazing! And most of us complain about not having enough land to grow veggies on - our lot back in town was .4 acres, larger than theirs.

The Dervaes also practice sustainable agriculture, using as little water as they can, not using pesticides, and avoiding GMO plants.

The full article was excerpted from the Ecology Action online newsletter. To tour the garden, if you're so lucky as to be in Pasadena, check their website Path To Freedom

If you want to see the shortened version, or the pretty photos in Natural Home and Garden Magazine, you can find the May/June 2006 issue at the library or ask me to borrow it!

"To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge." ~ Benjamin Disraeli (1804 - 1881)