I read about Product Body from the Soap and the Finer Things in Life blog (where else?), and decided to give them a try. I inherited my mom's desert-dry skin and need heavy duty moisturizing for my heels and fingers which tend to crack like egg shells in the winter. I've tried many, many products, and I have to say that Product Body's Whipped Shea Butter and Oh Be-Shea, Baby! cream are two of the most wonderful moisturizers I've ever used.
If you're reading this, Abby, I highly recommend carrying their Mama Bomb Line of products (their other items are equally highly recommended) in your Barefoot Herbs store. :)
Another recommendation is the Savonara soaps I had mentioned previously (also a Soap Queen find). I'm using the Greenstone soap (still available in her Etsy shop) right now and it is really moisturizing too, as is another soap of hers (see photo in the New Soap post) that I've used in the half-bath.
At this rate, maybe my dry skin problem can be a thing of the past.
"Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives." ~ William James (1842 - 1910)