Friday, November 28, 2008

Winning NaNoWriMo; great homemade gift ideas

Hope all my U.S. friends had a really nice Thanksgiving!

I have to brag just a little tiny bit. I crossed over the 50,000 words finish line for NaNoWriMo last night! Here's my trophy:And I don't even have to dust it! Not done with the story yet though. My characters are really talkative, which was helpful in achieving the word count, but that means I have more work ahead of me, which is not such a good thing as there are now holiday things to gear up for.

Speaking of holidays, a reminder about my green holiday giveaway, and also there are some tutorials from my other blogging friends for homemade holiday gifts:
Infused oils at Microholding - making soap and living well
Gift from the garden series from Garden Fresh Living
The Soap Queen blog will have several tutorials throughout the season; here's one on making your own lotion

Today is culling day (last one for a while, I hope). Must run. Happy weekend to all!

"The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet." ~ James Oppenheimt