Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Things that make me happy...

...and some things that don't. :)

Things that make me happy:

1) Bead Style magazine...I'd long since stopped reading to the blog where I first saw this magazine mentioned (it wasn't making me happy), but this magazine brings a big smile to my face every month.

2) Altruism - see Heidi's new project to find out more, as well as http://breastcancer.about.com/od/treatmentoptions/tp/comfort_pillows.htm to help out those in need.

3) Good deals - Linda's bulk discounts at Spotted Cow Soaps!

Things that don't quite make me happy:

1) Hail storms at 5am.

2) 5 hour power outages (although I am incredibly grateful it wasn't for longer than that).

What made you happy or unhappy today? I promise pictures of our garden on my next post!

"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be." ~ Douglas Adams