Seriously though, I want to announce the winner to my I-am-on-Artfire Giveaway! Bet you thought I'd forgotten, didn't you? I guess that's understandable given how extra flakey (like my pie crusts) I have been lately.
I hate it when I make it hard on myself, but I had to go through all my postings for September and October and count up how many times each entrant for the giveaway had commented.
Wendy (Athena Academy) led the pack with 16 comments, followed closely by Blonde Duck (A Duck in Her Pond) with 14, and Michelle (Chocolate and Marmalade Tea) with 12. Anyone who commented at all during that 2 month period were given an entry, and because Michelle (Blog of the Soap Pixie) had so many comments, I gave her 5 entries just for the halibut. ;) I differentiated between the 2 Michelles as "Michelle Q" for mommy of Quincy (the cutest cat ever!), and "Michelle P" for Pixie!
Thanks to all for entering, but, more importantly, thanks mega-bunches to you for gracing my blog with your presence and leaving me comment love!! I really appreciate all of you!
"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be." ~ Douglas Adams