Monday, June 24, 2013

A whine, a brag, and a giveaway walk into a blog...

That sounds like the beginning of a really funny joke. If you think of it, let me know!

Because I'm a lists and bullet-points kind of gal, I'm actually going to continue this way:


The editors who don't buy the genres I write think my writing is lovely and wonderful. The editors/agents who do the genres I write haven't given me the time of day. What's up with that??


My talented Science Fiction critique group, the Minnows Literary Group, has sold close to 800 copies of our e-anthology, Out of Time (available both at Amazon and Smashwords), since we put in up for sale in early February! We self-published this baby and it's garnered great reviews not just from friends (a huuuuge thank you to all you friends and relatives who loved us enough to buy a copy and leave a review), but from total strangers as well on Amazon and Goodreads.

There may come a moment in your life when you realize, "hey! I've got too many cookbooks (and I don't even cook)!" Or maybe I'm just projecting. So, I've got too many cookbooks and to make room for some that I actually do use, I'm going to give away one that I never use:
The book, of course, advocate using their pie crust (I never buy pre-made crusts), but the fillings recipes look really good. Lots of nice photos.

To enter the giveaway - and sorry, I'm going to have to keep it within the U.S. and Canada for this time - just leave a comment. If you have trouble commenting on Disqus, pop over to my writer's page on Facebook or my website and leave me a comment through those venues.


"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be." ~ Douglas Adams