Thursday, August 30, 2007

It's a bad news, good news sort of thing

Well, it looks like the leasers of the land next to us have decided to be a**holes...uh, I mean, have decided to pursue their first rights of refusal. They are trying to get the land for themselves, and given the nature of the lease agreements, they could probably easily do that. We certainly can't afford to up our price any more. Odd thing is that, apparently, they'd always told the current owners of the land that it was an over-priced hayfield. We don't know what they're playing at now, but this process is not going to go smoothly, if it goes at all, because of them.

The's the bad news.

The good news would be that if we didn't get the land, we wouldn't have to tighten our belts nearly as much; we wouldn't be stretched to the limit on the mortgage. If we don't get the land, much as we love our current properties, it'd make it a bit easier, too, to retire somewhere least for me (especially if we end up getting sucky neighbors on that land).

Gotta look on the bright side, I suppose, and accept whatever outcome it will be.

"To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge." ~ Benjamin Disraeli (1804 - 1881)