...gets to reap the benefits of the "black gold" that composted leaves become. We can't get over the people who bag their leaves to be hauled to the dump or who *shudder* burn their leaves. C'mon! They are throwing away the best free rich soil.
That said, I am thankful we don't have more trees up by the house. And, of course, we don't rake all the leaves on the whole 27 acres. But, it was good exercise, and we have free mulch and gold soil later. Plus the dogs (we're dog-sitting for a friend right now - see Sadie and Gali in the photo together in the pen right after their nap) had such fun. They were worse than the kids...running through the leaf piles and jumping on our tarp every time we pulled another load down to the blueberries area.
"To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge." ~ Benjamin Disraeli (1804 - 1881)