The boys made their first ever melt-and-pour soaps this week: honeyed lemon verbena soaps (that are available for sale at their website). We got the Milky Way molds and the soap base from Bramble Berry. As well, before we got started, I had the boys watch the Bramble Berry MP soap making video, featuring the lovely Anne-Marie. It was the most wonderful tutorial, and made things so, so easy when it came time for us to make them.
Here the kids are, just after pouring the soaps:

And here they are again, right after popping the soaps out of the molds:

Here are the soaps, up-close...they look like gorgeous amber. Care to extract some dinosaur DNA, anyone? ;)

The larger images are posted at TwoTadpoles.
"To accomplish great things, we must dream as well as act." ~ Anatole France (1844 - 1924)