Soap Queen, that is (a.k.a. Anne-Marie Faiola)!
I had to interrupt my self-imposed exile from Blogland to give the
Soap Queen a shout-out for the lovely gift she sent. This is what arrived via FedEx yesterday:

Talk about cute and great smelling soaps! These are soaps that
Anne-Marie made during the taping of her new YouTube educational videos on the art and craft of soap-making. I can't begin to tell you how excited I am about these videos. I bought DVDs from
Brambleberry on how to make cold-process and melt-and-pour soaps and have learned so much from
Anne-Marie (who has a great video presense and is a wonderful teacher). The YouTube videos will be so helpful in supplementing my education.
This is her schedule (click on image to enlarge); check it out!

On a tangential note, I have a few things made (and nearly made) for some of the participatns in the "First Responders/Pay-It-Forward" giveaway/swap. I'm excited and will be dropping by the recipients' blogs within the next week or two to ask for your snail-mail addresses!
"He is happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home." ~ Johann von Goethe