Monday, April 11, 2011

A giveaway!

Spring cleaning is a wonderful thing. It allows you to come across items that make you scratch your head and go, "what the heck was I thinking when I bought this??" Nothing like feeling like an idiot who has wasted money to put me in a mood for a giveaway, I always say.

So for all you who are juggling so much - kids, jobs, hobbies, etc, etc, I have the perfect thing for you: a brand new Klutz juggling book and balls kit! (What the heck was I thinking when I bought this?) Not only was that a fun play on words - juggling...*giggle* - but it could relieve your daily stress by helping you focus on a new and different activity. And if that doesn't work, you can wing the balls at the person who is annoying you (please note that the book probably doesn't recommend this).

To enter, please leave a comment about what you normally do to relieve stress, e.g. learning Klingon swear words. Please make sure I have some way to contact you (unless I already know you and know where to stalk you) when you leave your comment - blog addy, email, direction to send smoke signals - so I can notify you if you win. My mind reading skills aren't what they used to be.

I'll be consulting with the Oracle at Delphi - or if I can't get a flight to Athens, I'll use instead - on Friday afternoon to pick the recipient for this amazing (snort) prize. Bonne chance!

"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be." ~ Douglas Adams