Just a few random thoughts...because I can.
I tried making yogurt for the first time with store-bought yogurt as starter instead of the powder starter that I normally use. And, it worked! It's good to know it really could be done (by me).
And you wanna know the potent potable equivalent of heaven? Alcoholic Creamsicle! Take my word on this. I accept thanks in the form of checks (or cheques in case of my fellow Canadians).
Totally unrelated, but it would appear that the renters across the road are determined to keep their backdoor light on 24/7. The light was off for a couple of nights - oh bliss! - but now it's back with a vengeance. I suspect that because they left the light on all the time, the bulb finally burned out and they replaced it with one of higher wattage. Great.
As my neighbor to the east once lamented (about the even worse light emanating from their neighbors on the other side), why do people move out to the country and light their property up like football fields?
But in the good news department, my good friend Michelle has re-started her blog! Go check out "Within The Hive"...and her new blog, "Pages from My Mind". Michelle writes thoughtful and well-researched posts that you won't want to miss!
Want to share a random thought or two with me?
"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be." ~ Douglas Adams