Monday, May 06, 2013

Can't Sleep Without Sheep!

I just got back late last night from the most incredible time at the Wild, Wild Midwest SCBWI Conference, and then had to get up bright and early this morning to bring Son1 to his wisdom teeth extraction surgery. Plus, there was a mountain of laundry to do and bread to bake for breakfast tomorrow...which is my very boring way to say I'm too swamped to write a real blog post today.

BUT, one of my literary idols, Susanna Hill, has exciting news! Her cuter-than-kittens-videos picture book Can't Sleep Without Sheep will be out in ebook format!! I was thinking I'd get the e-version for myself but the paper copy for one of hubby's cousin's kids.

I'll be back next week with, hopefully, some thoughts on the conference. Have you had an incredible weekend too?

"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be." ~ Douglas Adams