1) living in a college town where there are always free academic lectures to take the kids to - for example, this very entertaining talk we went to last Saturday:

2) our terrific public library (which is ranked #2 in the country, apparently). It has a beautiful, open space, friendly staff, and it is very generous with buying patron requested materials. They bought all of the books/DVDs I have requested over the past several years! And because of their incredible number of offerings, I, once again, borrowed too many books yesterday. They're wonderful books: Physics of Star Trek, and Quintessence (both by the author in the above photo), In the Sweet Kitchen, and Scream-free Parenting, among a few others. I'd really love to read them all, and therefore think I need to stay off the computer for a few weeks in order to get my reading (and crafting and baking) in. :)
It's hard to give up blog reading, so I was thinking maybe I should just tackle 5-10 per day. Which ones I read will be determined by whether there's a new post and also going in order of appearance in my "follow" list...so, pretty random, and therefore, please don't feel slighted if I don't get to yours on a given day.
Today, I've read, or am going to read (when the satellite internet connection is actually working):
The Lisa Yee Blog
Gassner Custom Soap
Mud Puddle Girl
an open [sketch]book
Get In, Hang On
The Good Enough Witch
Indie Business Blog
Be Different, Act Normal
Craft Knife
Chocolate and Marmalade Tea
Rake Shovel Hoe
A Duck in Her Pond
Oikology 101
Let Me Think On It
Health Begins at Home
Family Forever
Soap and the Finer Things in Life
Making Soap, Living Well
Professional SAHM
Oops, exceeded my quota of 5-10 blogs to read...
Anyway, hope you all have something to be thankful for today! :)
"He is happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home." ~ Johann von Goethe