Monday, April 15, 2013

So sad about the seedlings

My father-in-law wasn't the only one who passed away recently. When we got home from the funeral and burial on the East Coast, we discovered that nearly all of the seedlings hubby had started last month died too:
Luckily, the onions seem to be hanging on. Hubby was relieved because he didn't want to get the generic "yellow" or "red" onion sets from the local nurseries. There are very specific varieties that he likes (some for sweetness, some for long-term storage).
(Yes, those are ladybugs swarming all over them. The cursed Asiatic ladybugs sometimes nip off the seedlings.)

Remember what they looked like from this post? Ugh. I hope your spring planting, if you started one, is faring better!

My wonderful Facebook-based Picture Book Critique Group cheered me up considerably by sending this amazing lavender plant for condolences on my father-in-law's death. I've only been with them for a couple of months and they have been such a source of laughter, love, and invaluable information and support for me! I have really lucked out with all my critique groups. :)

"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be." ~ Douglas Adams